Mileage Club

Join in the fun!

Mileage Club meets Wednesdays this fall, during lunch recess!
Sign up to volunteer here!

Recess Timing:

K/1 - 11:30-12pm (collect cards at 11:55am)      

2/3 - 12:15-12:45 (collect cards at 12:40pm)

4/5 - 12:55-1:25 (collect cards at 1:20pm)

**Please try to arrive 5 minutes early and stay for 5 minutes after if possible.**

What is Mileage Club? It is a walking/running club that meets before school. Kids walk or run laps. They carry a card, and each time they complete a lap, a volunteer stamps it. When their card is full (20 stamps), they earn a foot charm and start a new card. Last year, 223 kids participated, walking over 1,500 miles! There is no need to sign up for Mileage Club; join us whenever you can.

Exercise has many benefits for kids. Physically, it helps maintain an appropriate weight, build strong bones and muscles, and build a strong immune system. Mentally, exercise boosts brain growth and executive function, the aspect of intelligence that helps us pay attention, plan and resist distractions. Mileage Club is a great way for kids to get some exercise and arrive at class ready to focus.

Can you donate? Mileage Club does not cost a lot to operate, but we rely on contributions from families who participate to purchase supplies such as charms, cards and chains. If you could send a few dollars to school with your child, it would be much appreciated.

Can you help? We can always use volunteers to stamp cards, help kids find their cards and distribute charms. If you can help, show up during any Mileage Club. Though there is a Sign Up Genius link, volunteers are always welcome! There is no need to sign-up; any time you have is appreciated. This is a sibling-friendly activity and siblings are welcome to participate.

How we operate: Mileage Club is cancelled in case of steady rain, or if the wind-chill is below 20 degrees (the same guidelines school uses for recess). In winter, we take a break until it is consistently warmer in the spring. We will notify families when we are breaking for the winter and when we change our schedule.

School Breakfast: Students who want breakfast must go in after the first whistle or bell we ring, as we have a very short time period for breakfast.